New Year’s Resolutions For Your Personal Training Business in 2024

New Year's Resolutions For Your Personal Training Business. Learn how to write the most impactful resolutions for your PT business like this personal trainer is in the photo.
Kickstart the New Year with our top seven resolutions for your personal training business. Discover how reflecting on past achievements, embracing technology, and enhancing client engagement can transform your service. Learn from industry leaders and take actionable steps to expand your brand, diversify income, and balance life with work. Get ready to make 2024 your most successful year yet with insights and tips designed for the ambitious personal trainer!

As a personal trainer, starting the year strong should be a goal at the forefront of your business mind. That means having robust New Year’s resolutions for your personal training business. After all, New Year’s can be a decisive milestone for reflection and growth. 

You’ve powered through another year, adapting to challenges and celebrating triumphs with your clients. Now, as the New Year unfolds, it’s the perfect time to harness that momentum and elevate your training business to new heights.

In this article, I’ll jump into a series of transformative New Year’s resolutions explicitly tailored for you, the frontline heroes shaping health and fitness. From integrating cutting-edge technologies to enhancing client engagement, each resolution is designed to propel your PT business forward, ensuring that every squat, sprint, and stretch you coach brings you closer to your professional goals. 

I also found some perfect quotes from some serious professionals that will help illustrate each resolution further. In my experience, it’s always wise to heed the wise, wouldn’t you agree? So, whip up a cup of your favorite pre-workout drink, and let’s get started making your personal training business more robust, resilient, and ready for the year ahead with some great New Year’s resolutions for your personal training business.

Seven New Year’s Resolutions For Your Personal Training Business

New year's resolutions for their personal training business is the hot topic of these personal trainers. Learn more at
Horizontal photo of a group of multi-ethnic people talking in the gym

Here are seven tips of the trade to help you maximize your New Year’s resolutions for your personal training business.

Reflecting on the Past Year’s Business

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt(1)

Just as Roosevelt points out, it’s our doubts that typically hold our businesses back. It’s that voice inside that’s warning you to be cautious and not pursue your dreams because of the potential for failure. 

Reflect on your year and what worked for you, and never be afraid of what didn’t work – it merely taught you what not to do, providing the opportunity for improvement.

Adopting New Technologies and Innovations

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs(2)

Suppose you were to ask me what innovation would help distinguish you as a leader in your space. In that case, I’d have no choice but to tell you that using a personal trainer business management platform like Elite Trainr is the innovation you need for 2024.

Now, I wouldn’t have to tell you because I made the app with my multitude of experiences as a personal trainer myself. I’d tell you because it’s my honest belief. You see, I know what it’s like having so much of my own experience. I built Elite Trainr to solve all the problems and headaches that come with managing PT clients. Furthermore, I included the right features at a price that doesn’t break the bank but can help you scale your business while simultaneously increasing client retention.

Expanding Your Brand and Client Base

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos(3)

If there’s one person you should listen to about expanding your brand, it’s Bezos. After all, he grew Amazon from a tiny out-of-home business into a multinational monster that we all know and order from. So, when Jeff says that you need to expand and nurture your brand to build your client base, I tend to agree with him.

Improving Client Engagement and Retention

“Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you.” – Chip Bell(4)

Personalizing workouts is only one part of managing your fitness clients. It would help if you also personalized communications to improve your client engagement and retention. In my experience as a personal trainer, I can tell you that this is one of the most critical aspects of doing business.

Your clients need to like you and believe in you; that’s only accomplished by providing excellent service and even greater communication. You can scale this aspect of management with a robust client management platform, like my app, Elite Trainr.

Setting Financial Goals and Diversifying Income

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins(5)

Tony Robbins has worked with a lot of people, some worth an incredible fortune, such as Oprah Winfrey. You and I can both learn something from Tony’s teachings, too: that setting financial goals and diversifying your income are wise business decisions many personal trainers take for granted.

Committing to Continuous Learning and Certification

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi(6)

Seriously, you can’t get better advice than from Gandhi; I mean, the guy is a legend, right? His wisdom is apparent in this quote, and in my experience as a personal trainer, it’s totally relevant to consider. For your New Year’s resolutions, consider expanding your training with a specialization or special training specialization. Check out my resources, The Gold Standard: Picking the Best Online Trainer Certification or How to Choose the Perfect Personal Training Niche.

Emphasizing Work-Life Balance and Self-Care

“It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.” – Philip Green(7)

My last point to consider for your New Year’s PT business resolutions is that you need to take a moment and ensure you are not burning your candle at both ends. As pointed out by Philip Green, you need balance for any sort of sustainability. That’s why I recommend trying my app, Elite Trainr to help you manage your clients.

The app helped me find that balance I needed because it cut so much of my business administrative duties and significantly sped up my workout plan-building process for my clients. Furthermore, my clients love the brandable dashboard, so you can add your own branding and make it look so professional that your clients will wonder why they haven’t worked with you sooner.

Elevating Excellence: A Trainer’s Journey Forward

As you reflect on these New Year’s resolutions, remember each resolution is a step toward elevating your personal training business. Draw inspiration from the insights of leaders and apply that wisdom to innovate, engage, and grow. Set financial targets, embrace lifelong learning, and balance your professional drive with personal well-being. Your dedication shapes not just your future but also the health and aspirations of every client you train.

As the New Year begins, let it be filled with the promise of progress and the joy of achievement. Here’s to a year of meaningful milestones and continued success in your personal training journey!

More Resources For Personal Trainers

  1. How To Ring In The New Year With More Fitness Clients
  2. Holiday Leftovers and Nutritional Planning Tips For Top Personal Trainers
  3. Holiday Fitness Survival Guide: Managing Client Health Goals with Elite Trainr
  4. How to Get Fitness Client Buy-In During The Holidays

Article Sources

  1. “Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Last Message to the American People. [N. P. 1945].” 2015. The Library of Congress. 2015.
  2. Hobson, Nick. 2023. “Steve Jobs Said What Separates a Leader from a Follower Really Comes down to This Mindset.” Inc. April 8, 2023.,who%20excels%20as%20a%20leader..
  3. Arruda, William. 2016. “The Most Damaging Myth about Branding.” Forbes, September 6, 2016.
  4. “Chip R. Bell Quote.” 2023. A-Z Quotes. 2023.
  5. “Tony Robbins Quotes.” 2022. November 2022.,the%20challenges%20that%20may%20appear.%E2%80%9D.
  6. “Mahatma Gandhi Quotes.” n.d. BrainyQuote.
  7. “A Quote by Philip Green.” 2013. 2013.
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